Transitions Counselling Blog
Browse the Transitions Counselling blog for articles and insights into family matters, play therapy and child counselling.
The Robbery Known As Class Composition Is B.C.’s Dark Secret
There is a dark secret that has been kept and maintained for many years in B.C. schools. If you have a child with special needs, with autism, with a learning disability; if you have a child with Attention Deficit Disorder, or who is suffering from a mental illness; if you have a child who is…
When Anxiety Presents as Anger, Not Fear
I have been anxious for as long as I can remember. I grew from an awkward and anxious child to an awkward and anxious adult. As a teenager I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, but it was only as an adult that I learned more about what it actually means to be anxious. Having…
Calming Anxiety in Kids: a Secret is to Stop Saying “Calm Down”
Working from the premise that mental skills, like physical skills, need training and practice to develop, Lynn Lyons offers coaching tips for parents on how to develop problem-solving capacity in children. She addresses the question, “If you know you’re a worrier or have an anxiety disorder yourself, where should you start?” Researchers like Golda Ginsburg…
Latest Studies Find Body Pain Correlates With Spiritual and Emotional Pain
Life gets tough sometimes. You start to feel like you’re on an emotional roller coaster after a bit. But did you know that those emotions can cause a decline in your physical health? Dr. Susan Babel, a psychologist that specializes in trauma-induced depression, wrote in Psychology Today, “Studies have shown that chronic pain might not…
There’s Scientific Evidence That Clutter Causes Anxiety
Do you become frustrated when your house is a mess and looks like a bomb went off? Your dog had an accident, your kids didn’t clean their rooms, and your spouse left dishes in the sink. It’s enough to drive one mad. And there’s actually a reason for it and it’s not that you’re crazy.…
12 Things Others Don’t Realize You Are Doing Because Of Your High Functioning Anxiety
Experiencing that feeling of nervousness and worriedness is a normal part of everyday life. Everybody frets or feels anxious from time to time. Whether it’s a busy schedule or studying for exams, a little bit of anxiety can really help you focus your attention, energy and motivation to the task at hand. But when that…
My Anxiety Convinces Me That Everyone Hates Me
Because of my anxiety, I take everything personally. If a friend takes a little too long to answer a text, I start making assumptions. They don’t want to talk to me. I’m annoying them. They’re ignoring me on purpose. They don’t like me. They hate me. I dread sending the first text because there is…
How Does Narcissistic Parenting Affect Children? Narcissists raise children who suffer from crippling self-doubt Why does it matter if a parent is a narcissist? How does that hurt a child? You may be asking these questions if you are a person co-parenting with a narcissistic ex; someone raised by a narcissistic parent; one who is…
3 Signs You Are In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship
3 signs you are in an emotionally abusive relationship It is always tough to detect emotional abuse in a relationship. I mean, the person you love can be saying some not-so-nice things to you but they mean well, right? Well, not always. Even though we take some teasing and honest comments from our partners in…
When coming to a fork in the road – take it (Yogi Berra)
When coming to a fork in the road – take it (Yogi Berra) Life has a way of twisting and turning unexpectedly Posted Dec 26, 2010 SHARE TWEET EMAIL MORE Our three children are now in their 20s and exploring the diverse roads of life. By that I mean they are making decisions about whether…